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Dealing With Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Dealing With Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The word ‘wisdom’ is attached with the wisdom teeth probably due to the fact that these teeth usually grow during the years when a person gains wisdom. These are the last molars which grow in the farthest back of the mouth. In some cases, there may be some pain and swelling in the area where these teeth grow. This pain and swelling may be the sign of impacted wisdom teeth.

What are impacted wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars which you get at the age between 17 and 21 years. Some people get these teeth in the later stages of their lives. Some people do not get these teeth at all.

The erupting of these teeth is quite similar to that of other teeth in the mouth. However, this erupting can become complicated in some cases. The wisdom teeth can remain deep in the jawbone or they might fail to erupt through the gums. Both of these cases are of wisdom teeth.

The scenario of wisdom teeth is quite similar to a situation when you try to shove a book into the bookshelf which is already full. When the mouth is already crowded with the teeth, there is not going to be any room for the last set of molars to erupt properly. As a result, the wisdom tooth might erupt twisted or sideways.

There are several problems that can arise due to impacted wisdom teeth. Some of those problems may include:

  • Pressure on your teeth leading to misalignment of your bite
  • Pain and lack of function in the jaw
  • Inflammation and buildup of plaque on the wisdom teeth

Some dentists advise getting the wisdom teeth removed quite early to avoid future issues.

Dealing With Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth

It is worth mentioning that wisdom teeth are not always impacted. Many people get these teeth quite normally and, so, they don’t need to get these teeth removed. However, many people get impacted wisdom teeth. There are a few signs to look for in order to know if you have impacted wisdom teeth.

  • Irritation and swelling in the gums at the back of the mouth.
  • Opening or closing of mouth becoming uncomfortable.
  • Pain in the jaw.
  • Bad breath
  • Bad taste
  • Fever
Dealing With Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Getting the impacted wisdom tooth treated

Your dentist is going to confirm if your tooth is impacted or not. For this purpose, he will take your dental x-rays. Based on the results, he may or may not decide to remove your tooth. If the tooth is erupting straight or twisted at very slight angle, your dentist may give you only pain medication.

If the wisdom tooth is causing problems for other teeth in your mouth, your dentist may decide to remove it through a surgical process. This process is also known as tooth extraction. After getting the tooth extracted, you are going to have soreness in the mouth for a few days but this soreness will go away on its own. Nevertheless, you will need to take off from work, have rest and eat soft foods while you will recover.

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